
Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown Toenails Services in Downtown Manhattan, Midtown Manhattan, Staten Island, And Manalapan, New Jersey

Ingrown toenails can easily become infected without proper treatment. At Manhattan Podiatry Group, with locations in New York in Downtown Manhattan, Midtown Manhattan, Staten Island, as well as in Manalapan, New Jersey, board-certified podiatrist Mark Sharobeem, DPM, offers prompt, quality treatment for ingrown toenails and helps you prevent them in the future. Call the nearest office or use the online booking feature to schedule an appointment today if you have

Ingrown Toenails Q&A

What are ingrown toenails?

An ingrown toenail describes when your toenail grows abnormally into the surrounding skin, causing tenderness, swelling, and redness. If not addressed, an ingrown nail can cause an infection. Ingrown toenails are uncomfortable but don’t usually require emergency care.

If you have a medical condition that affects circulation in your feet, such as diabetes, an ingrown toenail can be a serious concern because it can lead to significant complications. A person with diabetes who has an ingrown toenail should seek immediate care.

What are the symptoms of ingrown toenails?

Ingrown toenails most often occur around the big toe. You may first notice firmness, swelling, and tenderness when you press at the site of the nail. 

If an infection results, you might notice redness, increased inflammation and pain, and oozing pus. An infection needs medical care to ensure it doesn’t spread.

People with diabetes should check their feet daily. Because of decreased sensation in the feet, they may not feel the initial symptoms of an ingrown toenail. 

Why did I develop an ingrown toenail?

One of the most common causes of ingrown toenails is poor nail-cutting habits. Trimming your toenails too short or rounding the corners allows the nail to grow into the surrounding skin.

Wearing tight shoes or shoes that are narrow in the toe box can also encourage ingrown nails. 

Sometimes, an injury to the toenail can lead to an ingrown nail. If you have toenails that naturally curve, you’re also more susceptible to ingrown nails. 

How do you treat ingrown toenails?

You can prevent ingrown toenails by trimming your nails straight across and keeping the length even with the tips of your toes. Select shoes that give your toes room to move and not feel crowded.

If you have a mild ingrown toenail, Dr. Sharobeem may recommend soaking your foot 3-4 times a day and taking over-the-counter pain medications to help with pain relief. 

Patients with an infection will likely receive a prescription for antibiotics. 

In severe cases, he may need to remove all or part of the nail. Some people chronically develop ingrown nails because of the shape of their toenails. These cases may call for surgery to permanently remove the nail and part of the underlying nail bed. 

Call the nearest Manhattan Podiatry Group location or book an appointment online today if you suspect you have an ingrown toenail. 


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